Filming Burlesque, August 2017

Shooting for the Burlesque documentary was supposed to start in spring, but documentaries are portraits of life and life happens, so here we are, commencing in August. The first day we film at Lidia Bäck´s house and on the second at Studio Shangri La, where Lidia practices her numbers and facilitates her work shops. We will use both black-and-white and colour footage in the film. The 30 min long documentary is produced for the Finnish Broadcasting Company and will air in 2018.

Lidia Bäck with cinematographer Mara Jelinko: applying make-up; mug shots out on Lidia´s terrace; practicing her act All Dolled Up at Shangri La.

Lunch break at Shangri La; from the left Mara Jelinko, Lidia Bäck and Janna Thorström. After our meal Lidia Bäck is transformed into Lady Laverna. We finish off the day by shooting Lidia while she practices her act Boy Oh´Boy. The picture at the top is from this act as well. Photographs by Juliane Boy.

Link to Lidia´s Instagram page