A story seizes hold of its teller, it’s been said – just as a series of events draws its documentary maker – instead of the other way around. Often we are on the lookout for good stories and sometimes we even try to make them up ourselves. But when a story or a theme grabs hold of you, you know this is it. That’s when the wheels are put into motion in such a way that they almost roll on their own, with very little effort on our part. Everything aligns. And we know that we are now in service to that which demands a voice to be heard, a space to be shown.

Pink Orbit Films
The Bubble
The Bubble was shown together with two other short films, Kush Badhwar´s formyfuneral.ppt and Tuuli Teealhti´s To Ashes as a short film loop that ran all through the day at the Festival Ars Moriendi in the main cathedral´s Krypta in Helsinki on November the 16th 2019. The Festival Ars Moriendi has got death as a…
How much can it hurt?
Premiere on Friday the 8th of November 2019 at Kino Korjaamo in Helsinki, Finland, as a part of the week Redefining Masculinities, consisting of discussions, work shops and film screenings. The short film is a part of a bigger project about masculinity in Finnish schools, started by Ekvalita, an equality consultancy company, in 2018. In…
Tika part 1
Finland has seen Idols winners and Voice of Finland winners crowned only to disappear quietly into some void never to be heard of again. Tika Sevón Liljegren, who won the song competition XFactor in Finland this year, has an amazing voice and great stage presence. In other words she’s got the prerequisites for creating a…
Tika part 2
Finland has seen Idols winners and Voice of Finland winners crowned only to disappear quietly into some void never to be heard of again. Tika Sevón Liljegren, who won the song competition XFactor in Finland this year, has an amazing voice and great stage presence. In other words she’s got the prerequisites for creating a…
Tika part 3
Finland has seen Idols winners and Voice of Finland winners crowned only to disappear quietly into some void never to be heard of again. Tika Sevón Liljegren, who won the song competition XFactor in Finland this year, has an amazing voice and great stage presence. In other words she’s got the prerequisites for creating a…
Tika part 4
In Production. Will get published in the summer of 2019 on the Finnish Broadcasting Company’s site Yle Arenan.
Burlesque with Lady Laverna
In Burlesque with Lady Laverna the Finnish actress Lidia Bäck travels to Berlin for a big Burlesque event. She speaks about objectification of the female body, sexuality and how an enormous change has happened inside of herself due to Burlesque. We will hopefully in the future have English subtitles for this film. Watch the film…
The Man in the Making part 1
This three-part series on the male role aired in April 2018. We will hopefully soon have a version with subtitles in English! In our three-part TV series 8 men, between the ages 26 and 82, will share how they feel about the male role and how it is changing (or how it isn’t). Nico is the…
The Man in the Making part 2
We will hopefully soon have a version with subtitles in English! In our three-part TV series 8 men, between the ages 26 and 82, will share how they feel about the male role and how it is changing (or how it isn’t). Nico is the editor of Finland’s first feministic male magazine “Samu”, Mats spends…
The Man in the making part 3
We will hopefully soon have a version with subtitles in English! In our three-part TV series 8 men, between the ages 26 and 82, will share how they feel about the male role and how it is changing (or how it isn’t). Nico is the editor of Finland’s first feministic male magazine “Samu”, Mats spends…
Boxes to Latvia
In this half-hour documentary activists drive down the Via Baltica with full-packed vans to distribute clothing, school supplies, furniture, health items etc. in the Latvian country-side. Bikupan, an ngo consisting of retired citizens from the Raseborg region, run their aid operations more and more like an effective business. Last year they drove down 9 times…
To Dare Life
How does it feel to be in a psychosis? Psychosis is so tough on the brain that most sufferers can’t remember what they’ve been through afterwards. Linda Mokko is a 35 year old Finnish woman who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in her early twenties. Linda is rare in that she remembers everything she has…
The Psychic Biologist
Isabella Södling Augustson is a biologist but also an energy healer; how does she combine science with spiritualism in a matrimony of two seemingly incompatible world views? Isabella visits her childhood home together with her two children, discussing – among other things – their experiences of ghosts. How are spirit worlds compatible with the stringency…

Pink Orbit Production
Skillnadsgatan 10
10600 Ekenäs, Finland
Emma Fogelholm
050 440 3279
Janna Thorström
09 876 4416, 040 183 1869