Dance Out Of Line, October 2020

In the Erasmus+ project Dance Out Of Line a professional dancer and a person with a disability make a joint dance together. This dance is performed in Finnish schools for children of the ages 9-12. We, the dancers, Vea Vainio and Janna Thorström also run workshops for the kids and speak to them about equality…

Insta heaven or hell?, September 2018

Finland has seen Idols winners and Voice of Finland winners crowned only to disappear quietly into some void never to be heard of again. Tika Sevón Liljegren, who won the song competition XFactor in Finland this year, has an amazing voice and great stage presence. In other words she’s got the prerequisites for creating a…

First filming of the Tika series, June 2018

This spring Tika Sevón Liljegren won the song competition XFactor Finland. Tika has an amazing voice and a great stage presence, i.e. the prerequisites for creating a career in music are there – yet Finland has seen Idols and Voice of Finland winners crowned only to disappear rapidly from the limelight. What happens behind the scenes…

Burlesque Premiere, April 2018

TV premiere for Burlesque with Lady Laverna on Monday the 30.4 at 20.30 on Yle Teema, a channel of the Finnish Broadcasting Company! We will hopefully soon have subtitles in English for this program. We live in a society in which young women often find it hard to feel at ease in their bodies. If one…

The Man in the Making airs on Finnish TV, April 2018

It is finally time for the TV premiere of our three part TV series The Man in the Making! The films can be viewed abroad at Yle Arenan. Hopefully in time we will also have English subtitles for you that do not understand Swedish or Finnish! The women’s liberation movement has since the 1970’s worked to…

Cut Cut Cut, November 2017

During the darkest time of year we sit and go through all the hours upon hours of footage for our series about the male role. Post-its of many colors representing snippets of interview change places and slowly but surely a structure starts to form. We have thoroughly interviewed 8 men from the ages of 26-82 and…

Emma and Ville filming in Stockholm, September 2017

As soon as we signed the contract for a third part to our TV series The Man in the Making, Emma and Ville travel to Stockholm to film some more. The theme for part three is career and power and our two new men for the series are Berndt Arell and Pata Degerman. Our TV…

Filming Burlesque, August 2017

Shooting for the Burlesque documentary was supposed to start in spring, but documentaries are portraits of life and life happens, so here we are, commencing in August. The first day we film at Lidia Bäck´s house and on the second at Studio Shangri La, where Lidia practices her numbers and facilitates her work shops. We…

Snickers and Interviews, June 2017

One fine, warm day in June we sit down on Janna´s bed with lap tops on our laps. The curtains are drawn and only a meager slit of sun may enter. Here starts the viewing odyssey; we have hours on end of great footage for our documentary series about the male role. It’s great. But…

Filming for the TV series about the male role, May 2017

It’s still snowing at the beginning of May, but just as we are about to start shooting outdoors for Man in the Making the weather finally shifts. Trees start turning green and we can ditch our winter coats. Graphic designer Rikard Lassenius and cinematographer Ville Tanttu take on a whole day of studio shooting during which they…

Man in the making, February 2017

The women’s liberation movement has since the 1970’s worked to expand our definition of what’s feminine, hence much of what used to be considered male territory is now available to women. In 2017 it’s time to ask ourselves whether the opposite is true: is the female sphere opening up to men? How do men feel…

The first Burlesque meeting, January 2017

On a chilly Sunday afternoon our team meets up in the heart of Helsinki: Emma, Janna, the star of our new film Lidia Bäck and photographer Mara Jelinko. We live in a society in which young women often find it hard to feel at ease in their bodies. If one looks closer at how the…

Making Of Films and Food, May 2016

I’ve never heard as much food talk in this editing room!, our editor exclaimed as we spent a couple of days with him during the production of our last program, you guys have a one track mind. Yup. We’ve had an ethiopian food picnic during an outdoor shoot in the middle of winter, enjoyed bouillabaisse…

making of att våga livet (Daring Life), March 2015

Our visual planning was all about a silent Helsinki inundated with heaps of snow, but in 2015 that winter never came. We had to shoot grey streets and bare trees. In the end we liked it. We wanted to convey our main character’s mental landscapes through the visuals of the film, including her experience of…

Pink orbit, october 2015

I think we should be called Orbit-something, Emma said, since we orbit around different topics when we make our programs… and then something feminine sounding to go with it, since we’re a two woman show… rose? Rose Orbit? I dunno, said Janna, orbiting round a rose is weird, what about pink? Pink Orbit? We both…