Filming for the TV series about the male role, May 2017

It’s still snowing at the beginning of May, but just as we are about to start shooting outdoors for Man in the Making the weather finally shifts. Trees start turning green and we can ditch our winter coats.

Graphic designer Rikard Lassenius and cinematographer Ville Tanttu take on a whole day of studio shooting during which they film more intimate footage of a number of our men. Different body parts will then be combined into a kind of mosaic by Rikard, creating the intro and some vignettes for the TV series. We directors, females as we be, butt out of this one in order to give the men some privacy! The three part TV series is produced for the Finnish Broadcasting Company and will air on Finnish TV in 2018.

See trailer

Above shot from the studio day; Mats Holmqvist as the model. Below Janna Thorström and Ville Tanttu are filming the artist Jukka Korkeila. Tea break on Janna´s terrace in the last pic.