How much can it hurt?

Premiere on Friday the 8th of November 2019 at Kino Korjaamo in Helsinki, Finland, as a part of the week Redefining Masculinities, consisting of discussions, work shops and film screenings.

The short film is a part of a bigger project about masculinity in Finnish schools, started by Ekvalita, an equality consultancy company, in 2018. In the film a group of guys play basket ball down town. In the heat of the game one of the guys gets knocked out by an elbow to his face. He is having trouble holding back his tears. What happens next? The short film wants to explore a common set-up; it is often difficult for boys to show feelings in front of each other. The film also explores an alternative ending.

We wrote the script for this short film in collaboration with the kids themselves.

The film is now touring in Finnish schools and will be used as an intro for starting discussions about masculinity.

Directed by Emma Fogelholm and Janna Thorström, Cinematography Kush Badhwar, Editing Klaus Grabber, Music Ville Tanttu, Graphics Hanna Siira, Representative from Ekvalita Nana Blomqvist, Production Pink Orbit Production 2019.

View the film here