The Man in the Making part 2
We will hopefully soon have a version with subtitles in English!
In our three-part TV series 8 men, between the ages 26 and 82, will share how they feel about the male role and how it is changing (or how it isn’t). Nico is the editor of Finland’s first feministic male magazine “Samu”, Mats spends a lot of time at home with his three kids and documents their doll house play by taking photos of the doll world, adding creative captures to the pictures. Per-Erik hasn’t seen the rise of soft values among his grand children, noting that traditional male ideals which glorify achievement and physical power still dominate. Björn works with teenagers who suffer from psychosocial difficulties and finds that whereas it seems to be okay for women to define both themselves and men, men don’t seem to be free to say what they think of either. This male muteness rises, according to him, from men’s collective sense of guilt. Men have a long history of oppressing women and are therefore balancing gingerly in modern times, fearful of offending.
Watch the series on Yle Arenan
Directed by Emma Fogelholm and Janna Thorström. Cinematography Ville Tanttu. Editing Klaus Grabber. Music Ville Tanttu. Pink Orbit Production 2018.